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Boost Up Your Confidence

Shape Your Figure and Features the Way You Want Them in Naperville and Western Chicago

The John Bull Center is home to a range of body surgery options for Naperville and Western Chicago-area women and men who wish they had a little less bulk in one area, a little more volume in another area, or both. More than just reducing or augmenting, body surgery is about shaping specific features so that they not only look slimmer or fuller, as desired, but also ensuring they appear proportional and complement the rest of the body. Body surgery techniques available from Dr. John Bull include tucks to flatten the belly, multiple types of surgical fat reduction, and fat-transfer augmentation, as well as procedures to address visible veins and shape specific features for women. He strives to deliver the best body surgery Naperville has to offer. While the body surgery options are available for patients from a wide range of backgrounds, many are especially ideal for mothers who have been through childbirth and breastfeeding.

Contact Us Today

Contact us today to schedule an appointment in Naperville. Call (630) 299-3018, or send a message online.

Tummy Tuck

There are several reasons a person’s belly may appear flabby. A tummy tuck with Dr. John Bull can address the three most common, whether the problem is excess fat, loose skin, separated abdominal muscles, or a combination. For this reason, a tuck is not a “one size fits all” body surgery, but a procedure tailored to the individual.

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Mommy Makeover

Growing a baby, giving birth, and breastfeeding are all activities that can cause major physical changes to the body. A Mommy Makeover is a strategy that combines various body surgery options (and breast surgery procedures, as well) to restore pre-baby contours by shaping the abdomen, breasts, and other areas that need shaping.

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Surgical fat reduction is a long-established pillar of body surgery—and plastic surgery, in general—able to reduce volume in specific areas, shape contours, and even collect healthy fat cells for transfer to other parts of the body. There are several variations of liposuction, including SAFELipo SmartLipo, VASER lipo, and Lipo360.

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Brazilian Butt Lift

Flat or sagging buttocks can gain (or regain) a rounded, curvy shape with the introduction of fat cells harvested from the belly or thighs, where there are typically plenty to share. Known as a Brazilian butt lift, this body surgery is ideal for anyone who’s always wanted a shapelier backside—or who once had one, but watched it disappear over time.

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Laser Vein Removal

Visible veins can appear on the face or legs for many reasons, but there’s one treatment that is especially effective when it comes to addressing them: laser vein removal. As a complement to body surgery, this procedure can give skin a clear, uniform appearance not marked by fine webs of red or blue lines.

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The vaginal lips, known as the labia, are different for every woman, and some patients are unhappy with the size or shape of theirs. If labia are exceptionally large, they may be visible when tight-fitting clothing is worn, or they can chafe during physical activity, ranging from jogging to sex. Labiaplasty is a surgical solution for these problems.

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Many people have excess fat combined with loose skin on the upper arms, which creates a wobbly or drooping appearance—referred to as “bat wings” or “bingo wings.” Upper arm lift surgery or brachioplasty at the Naperville-based John Bull Center for Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Medispa is a procedure that slims and contours the arms by reducing the loose skin and fat.

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Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery from the Naperville-based John Bull Center for Cosmetic Surgery—also known as male breast reduction surgery—is a cosmetic procedure to flatten and enhance the male chest contour. The surgery restores a firmer, more traditionally masculine look to the chest.

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Tummy Tuck

There are several reasons a person’s belly may appear flabby. A tummy tuck with Dr. John Bull can address the three most common, whether the problem is excess fat, loose skin, separated abdominal muscles, or a combination. For this reason, a tuck is not a “one size fits all” body surgery, but a procedure tailored to the individual.

Mommy Makeover

Growing a baby, giving birth, and breastfeeding are all activities that can cause major physical changes to the body. A Mommy Makeover is a strategy that combines various body surgery options (and breast surgery procedures, as well) to restore pre-baby contours by shaping the abdomen, breasts, and other areas that need shaping.


Surgical fat reduction is a long-established pillar of body surgery—and plastic surgery, in general—able to reduce volume in specific areas, shape contours, and even collect healthy fat cells for transfer to other parts of the body. There are several variations of liposuction, including SAFELipo SmartLipo, VASER lipo, and Lipo360.

Brazilian Butt Lift

Flat or sagging buttocks can gain (or regain) a rounded, curvy shape with the introduction of fat cells harvested from the belly or thighs, where there are typically plenty to share. Known as a Brazilian butt lift, this body surgery is ideal for anyone who’s always wanted a shapelier backside—or who once had one, but watched it disappear over time.


Many people have excess fat combined with loose skin on the upper arms, which creates a wobbly or drooping appearance—referred to as “bat wings” or “bingo wings.” Upper arm lift surgery or brachioplasty at the Naperville-based John Bull Center for Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Medispa is a procedure that slims and contours the arms by reducing the loose skin and fat.

Tummy Tuck

The Ideal Approach

Get Flatter Belly Contours with Abdominoplasty for Western Chicago and Naperville

>Many patients seeking a tummy tuck in the Chicago area have benefited from the experience and artistic skill of Naperville’s Dr. John Bull. His work in shaping and slimming the abdominal area for women and men alike has made him a sought-after choice for anyone who wants a firmer and leaner-looking midsection. Because there are many reasons a person’s abdomen may develop a flabby look, Dr. Bull can customize the tummy tuck surgery to focus on a patient’s specific needs. He strives to deliver the best tummy tuck Naperville has to offer. The primary component of a tummy tuck is removing loose skin, which can be a problem for anyone—but especially those who have recently lost weight. Other elements of a tummy tuck can include fat reduction and muscle repair. The first step in any case is scheduling a consultation so Dr. Bull can determine the ideal approach.

Toned Appearance

What Does a Tummy Tuck Address?

Put simply, a tummy tuck addresses a belly that has lost—or never had—a flat, toned appearance. There are three typical reasons for this: sagging skin, stubborn fat, and damage to the abdominal wall. Any or all of these can give someone a silhouette that lacks the clean lines of a firm midsection.

Sagging Skin

Skin is a living organ. It grows when we grow. If your belly starts to bulge, whether due to an increase in weight or the development of a baby throughout pregnancy, your abdominal skin stretches to cover the added volume. Gradual weight loss gives this stretched-out skin time to slowly revert to its previous state, allowing it to sit tight against the typical abdominal contours. Rapid weight loss, however—due to the birth of a baby or surgical intervention—is more like popping a balloon. The sudden loss of volume leaves the stretched-out skin hanging loose and baggy. Even if the muscles underneath are well developed and rock hard, the cushion of lax tissue hides them. Skin laxity is a particular problem for older women and men, since youthful skin is more likely to retract on its own. This is because age and ultraviolet radiation break down collagen and elastin in the skin, while the natural cycles that replace them slow with each passing year. With a tummy tuck, Dr. Bull can trim away the redundant skin, from a modest amount to a significant stretch that creates what is known as an “apron.”

Stubborn Fat

The number of fat cells you have is essentially set in your adult life, which means that your fat cell count doesn’t go up or down when you gain or lose weight. Instead, diet and exercise cause fat cells to shrink. Unfortunately, there is no way to “tell” specific fat cells to reduce their volume. Genetics determine the areas that will lose fat first. Some people find that their bellies never seem to get smaller. This is because abdominal fat can be especially “stubborn.” One term for this is “diet-resistant” fat. A tummy tuck can address this particular problem by incorporating surgical fat reduction. Using liposuction techniques, Dr. Bull will break up targeted fat cells and suction them out, leading to a slimmer abdomen. Our Naperville tummy tuck patients considering this procedure should understand that the surgery is not a weight-loss strategy. In fact, tummy tucks work best for people who weigh their goal weight or close to it. The health benefits of a healthy diet and regular exercise can’t be replaced by any body surgery.

Abdominal Wall Repair

The “six-pack” muscles in the belly do more than look good in photographs. In addition to providing core strength and stability, they create a wall that serves to hold back the contents of the belly behind them. These muscles can be forced apart, typically by growing babies, but also in patients who are significantly overweight. Pushing the muscles away from each other stretches out the firm, supportive muscle covering between them—known as the “fascia”—so that the wall as a whole is no longer able to perform its barrier function. As a result, everything behind the wall can bulge forward, creating a paunch that no amount of fat reduction can fix. For patients dealing with abdominal wall separation, Dr. Bull can repair the tissues during a tummy tuck. Suturing the muscles back into their original position restores the wall and prevents the bulge.

A Better Shape

How Does a Tummy Tuck Work?

All tummy tuck surgeries require Dr. John Bull to make some type of incision that will allow him to trim away unneeded skin and re-drape the remaining skin flat, remove excess fat cells, and access the abdominal wall for tightening as necessary. During a complete tummy tuck—which addresses the skin, fat, and muscles—Dr. Bull makes the incision across the lower abdomen in what is commonly referred to as the bikini line.

Using this incision, he can tighten the abdominal muscles with sutures to create a more normal abdominal wall position and a better shape. Next, he removes the excess skin and fat. This skin usually contains most of the stretch marks caused during pregnancy, and many of our Naperville tummy tuck patients are happy to learn that their procedure addresses this unwanted cosmetic issue as well. Dr. Bull then re-positions the remaining skin from the upper abdomen to close the incision. This essentially moves the belly button, which must be “relocated” to an ideal position in proportion with the new shape. For a partial or “mini” tummy tuck, the incision is shorter and the belly button will remain in place. The “mini” tummy tuck primarily focuses on the abdominal area below the belly button

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Tummy Tuck Testimonials

“I had a tummy tuck with liposuction done by Dr. Bull. I am totally happy with my results. I am only six weeks postop and I have already dropped two sizes in my jeans. After losing 57 lbs. I was having a hard time buying pants because of my waistline. If the waist fit, the legs were baggy and made me look heavy. My pouchy belly was just awful. So glad to see it gone forever! I feel 20 years younger. Dr. Bull and his staff are excellent.”*

- TTG, Patient

*Individual Results May Vary

What Is the Tummy Tuck Recovery Process?

Patients will need to stay home from work for at least 10 days after their tummy tuck, but may need to plan for up to two weeks of rest and recuperation. Tummy tuck patients should also wait four to six weeks before resuming strenuous activities, such as sports or physically demanding work. Though Dr. John Bull positions scars so that they can be hidden by a bikini or underwear, they will still be visible. These marks where the incisions were made will fade and flatten in three months to one year.

How Can I Envision My Tummy Tuck Results?

Dr. John Bull uses Vectra®3D imaging technology to allow his tummy tuck patients to see what they will look like with a flatter belly—before any surgery is completed. Life like images can be altered in real time, giving men and women who want to know what a tummy tuck could do for them a glimpse of the possibilities.

Tummy Tuck

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Tummy Tuck Strategy is Best for You?
What Tummy Tuck Results Can I Expect?*
What Else Can Be Done to Address a Bulging or Sagging Belly?


More Attractive & Sculpted Shape

Slim Down Stubborn Areas That Resist Diet and Exercise with Surgical Fat Removal for Western Chicago and Naperville

Do you have stubborn body fat that won’t respond to your efforts to get rid of it? Want to fit more comfortably in your clothes or look slimmer and trimmer when you’re out of them? Liposuction with Naperville’s double-board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. John Bull can help. Dr. Bull strives to achieve the very best body-sculpting results possible via liposuction for patients in the Chicago area. Liposuction can give both women and men a more attractive and sculpted shape by taking unwanted, stubborn fat away from many areas. He strives to deliver the best liposuction Naperville has to offer. If you spot a bulge or can pinch excess fat between two fingers, there is a good chance that Dr. Bull can remove it with liposuction, whether traditional, ultrasound-powered VASER lipo, or minimally invasive laser-driven SmartLipo.

Results Of Successful Weight-Loss

What Does Liposuction Address?

There are two types of fat in the body: visceral fat and subcutaneous fat. Everyone has some of both. The infamous stuff may get a bad rap, but it is actually an important part of the body, serving many vital functions. Too much of it, however, can be a problem. An excess of visceral fat is a health risk. This is the hard fat that lies deep within the body, surrounding internal organs. Too much of it increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other health issues. It can also cause a thick, bulging belly.

The best way to keep this visceral fat tamed is to eat a healthy and sensible diet and exercise regularly. It is not possible to surgically remove it with liposuction. An excess of subcutaneous fat is more of a cosmetic issue. This is the fat that sits just below the skin, acting like a layer of padding that hides the muscle beneath. There is some of this fat in the belly area, as well as on the thighs, hips, buttocks, waistline, upper arms, back, bra line, axilla, inner knee, chest area, cheeks, chin, neck, calves, and ankles. These are all common areas where fat cells “congregate. Unfortunately, these are also areas that may resist slimming down, even in the face of strict diets and routine physical activity. This is because genetics plays a significant role in determining where you see the results of successful weight-loss efforts.

Do your parents tend to store fat in specific areas? Chances are good that you will, too. The problem lies in the fact that adults do not lose fat cells when they lose weight. The fat cells merely shrink as their volume is reduced. Similarly, gaining weight back—as can often happen after an effective diet—does not add fat cells, but causes the existing cells to swell again. Certain fat cells are more “stubborn” than others, refusing to shrink down even as their counterparts elsewhere in the body do. This is why you may be happy to see your love handles dwindling away, but dismayed to find that your double chin remains as full and visible as ever. Fortunately, subcutaneous fat responds very well to removal via liposuction. Dr. Bull emphasizes to his patients that liposuction is for fat removal—and fat removal only. It is not a weight-loss method that can substitute for healthy living.

Additional Reading

Traditional liposuction is also not designed to address loose skin. When patients lose a significant amount of weight quickly, their skin can hang loosely on their body instead of retracting to fit the slimmer contours. Although some amount of skin-tightening can happen after a liposuction session—and modern technology and techniques have made this result more common—patients dealing with skin laxity typically find a lift to be a more appropriate choice than liposuction. Surgical fat reduction is often an element of tummy tuck surgery, allowing Dr. Bull to address excess fat and skin simultaneously. The exception to this is SmartLipo, which makes use of laser energy. The heat generated during a SmartLipo fat-reduction procedure also causes tissues to tighten, so can address a modest amount of laxity. Many women who have gone through pregnancy, childbirth, and nursing a baby find that they are unable to lose their “baby weight”—even long after their kids get older. Liposuction is frequently included in “Mommy Makeovers,” which are combo procedures designed to help mothers enjoy contours more in line with their pre-baby bodies. In addition to liposuction and tummy tucks, these makeovers also tend to include breast augmentation,breast lifts, or breast reduction. While breast reductions involve removing breast tissue, there is also typically excess fat to be suctioned out via liposuction. Liposuction—and particularly SmartLipo—is also especially effective for removing fatty tissue that contributes to the appearance of male breasts. The condition known as “gynecomastia” impacts men of all ages, causing breast tissue and excessive fat to develop on the chest.

Ideal Approach

How Does Liposuction Work?

Dr. Bull can perform several variations of liposuction, with the ideal approach depending on a patient’s specific needs. He frequently uses a form of the traditional liposuction technique that has gained wide acceptance in recent years, known as SAFELipo. The first four letters in the procedure’s name stands for “separation,” “aspiration,” and “fat equalization.”

Other options include VASER Liposuction and SmartLipo, each of which offers unique benefits when it comes to the first stage of a surgical fat-reduction procedure, known as “separation.” This stage is necessary because successful liposuction requires a plastic surgeon to first free the fat. Fat cells are not loose blobs floating in the body. They are sturdy cells that must be loosened and broken up prior to removal, whether by manual force or the application of sound or heat energy.

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For the SAFELipo technique, which has been used around the world in recent years, Dr. Bull uses a small hollow tube—known as a cannula—with a larger tip to separate the fat. While plastic surgeons would historically use their own muscles to move the fat-loosening cannula back and forth, modern technological advances have led to the development of powered-assisted liposuction, which automates the necessary motion and allows for more complete fat removal in less time. Dr. Bull uses this typically more thorough technique, known as PAL, most of the time at the surgery center—frequently combining it with VASER. Once the fat is freed, he inserts a smaller cannula beneath the skin to suction out the separated fat. Once all of the unwanted fat is removed, he then uses another cannula to smooth out the remaining tissue to give it a natural-looking and more even result. This liposuction technique allows a more uniform “shrinking” of the skin than the technique used years ago.

VASER Liposuction

The VASER LipoSelection® procedure uses pulsed ultrasound energy to break up and remove the fat deposits. Considering that fatty tissue contains a large percentage of fat cells as well as blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue, ultrasound energy selectively breaks up and emulsifies the fat itself, while leaving the other tissues intact. During the VASER procedure, Dr. Bull makes a small incision in the area to be sculpted, then introduces a special saline solution to numb the site, shrink blood vessels, and enhance the fat-liquefying process, known as emulsification. The emulsified fat is then readily removed with suction.


During a SmartLipo treatment, Dr. Bull directs a high-powered laser that emits bursts of energy at the fat deposits. This heats the subcutaneous fat cells until they rupture. The now liquified fat is then removed via suction as with typical liposuction, and the leftover fluid is drained from the body through tiny incisions.

Lipo 360

Lipo 360 is not a specific liposuction technique, but describes the practice of treating several areas encompassing the midsection—including the abdomen, waistline, and back—during the same operation. Another term for this is “circumferential liposuction,” because it involves removing fat from a full circle around the body. It may also involve the bra line. The main advantage of Lipo 360 is its comprehensive approach to fat reduction.

Additional Reading

While Dr. Bull always works to make the results of any liposuction procedure appear natural and proportional—even if he is focusing on a single, isolated pocket of fat—Lipo360 is truly a “whole body” method. Lipo 360 also involves “liposculpture,” as opposed to simple liposuction. While surgical fat removal reduces volume in the targeted areas, liposculpture involves using the remaining fat deposits to further shape and contour the area. This approach has the added advantage of making the contour of the buttocks stand out without the need for a Brazilian butt lift—although that volume-adding procedure may also be included as desired. Once the fat has been removed and the area equalized by smoothing out the tissue, Dr. Bull places dressings over any incisions. A foam pad will be applied to the treatment area, and a compression garment will help decrease swelling and help the skin shrink down to the newly improved contour as much as possible. Many liposuction patients find that the retraction is quite effective, because the amount of fat being removed—while visibly significant—was not enough to stretch the skin past its ability to retract again.

Before & Afters

Visit our photo gallery to see the results possible with plastic surgery and non-surgical treatments at The John Bull Center in Western Chicago.


“Excellent experience every time! Everyone is always so friendly and very knowledgeable! Dr. Bull is awesome and I’m very pleased with my results.”

- Lori, Patient

*Individual Results May Vary

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Realistic Expectations

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Liposuction in Western Chicago?

You’re a good candidate for liposuction if you have stubborn body fat that won’t respond to your life style changes. All of our Naperville liposuction candidates should be healthy non-smokers, be within 10 to 20 pounds of their ideal weight, and have realistic expectations for their procedure.

Although there are limits to the amount of fat that can be removed, we can assist you with your decision about potential areas for reshaping. A good mental mindset is important, since knowing what to expect in terms of the surgery and the results to follow can lower stress and improve healing times.

What Is the Liposuction Recovery Process?*

Many patients are surprised to learn that liposuction—even traditional liposuction—has minimal discomfort and a short recovery time. The suctioned areas may be swollen and bruised for a time, and you may feel a burning sensation in the days after your liposuction surgery, but these will resolve quickly. VASER® liposuction typically results in low to minimal pain and low incidences of bruising or prolonged swelling. The recovery process isn’t as intense as with traditional liposuction, but you’ll still be asked to lay low and take it easy for the first few days after your procedure, as well as wear a compression garment to help shape your new results. Swelling and bruising should resolve about two weeks after the surgery. SmartLipo treatments involve a local anesthetic, not general anesthesia, as with conventional liposuction.

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That means anesthesia-related side effects are reduced. Patients may see some minimal bruising and experience a little discomfort after their procedure, but the sensations are not comparable to what follows traditional liposuction. Because of the laser’s blood vessel-sealing capabilities, and because of the small size of the incisions, SmartLipo treatments are less traumatic on the body’s tissue than traditional liposuction. Minimal downtime is needed after Lipo 360. Combining several midsection areas into one fat-reduction procedure allows patients to have just one recovery period instead of three separate recuperation windows for work on the abdomen, waistline, and back. Any discomfort can be controlled with oral medications prescribed by Dr. Bull, but you may still feel stiff and sore for a few days. Most of our Naperville liposuction patients can return to work in one to five days, depending on the extent of the procedure and the type of work they do. You should start walking again later in the day after your procedure, but more strenuous activity should be avoided for one to two weeks.

What Liposuction Results Can I Expect?

Most traditional liposuction and Lipo 360 patients see improvement in their bodies within one week of their procedure, but the post-operational swelling will take several weeks to completely resolve. If you have any bruising, the discolorations will improve greatly over the first week and usually resolve completely by two weeks. The tiny incisions where Dr. Bull inserted the cannulas heal well and fade over time. The ultimate, long-lasting liposuction result will take six months to develop. This is when the skin will have finished its retraction. With VASER liposuction, patients often see changes shortly after the procedure, but the final results can take six to nine months to develop. For SmartLipo, most patients begin to see noticeable inch loss within a few weeks to a few months.


Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Envision My Liposuction Results?
What Else Can Be Done to Address Unwanted Fat?

Mommy Makeover

Feel More Attractive

Combine Procedures to Regain Your Pre-Baby Body for Patients from Naperville, Western Chicago, and Beyond

A Mommy Makeover at Naperville’s John Bull Center is designed with specific patients in mind. While the benefits of children are endless, many mothers often feel uncomfortable with their new bodies post-pregnancy. This does not mean that they regret having a baby. Pregnancy and childbirth are incredible stages in women’s lives. Mothers selflessly devote their time and form deep, loving relationships with their children as they develop. That said, those same mothers don’t always love the lasting changes that pregnancy, childbirth, and nursing can bring to their breasts or body. A Mommy Makeover is not a single surgical procedure, but is a combination of body contouring and breast shaping strategies that are customized to help each individual mother regain her pre-pregnancy figure and feel more attractive and satisfied with her physique, as well as confident in her day-to-day life. At The John Bull Center, we strive to deliver the best Mommy Makeovers Naperville has to offer.

Natural-Looking Results

What Does a Mommy Makeover Address?

Every Mommy Makeover is unique, made up of procedures chosen to address a particular patient’s needs. Women can choose from breast surgeries—including breast augmentation, breast reduction, or a breast lift with or without implants—and body surgeries like liposuction and tummy tuck. The overall goal is to create contours and lines that are more in line with a pre-baby body, instead of a silhouette with notable sagging and flab.

Mommy Makeovers typically focus on the breasts and belly, because these are the areas most impacted by pregnancy and what comes after. A growing baby pushes abdominal muscles apart, stretching the supportive muscle covering—known as fascia—and leaving the abdominal wall unable to hold back everything behind it, resulting in a bulge. Abdominal skin also stretches, due to an increase in surface area as the baby belly swells in size. Once the baby is out, older and especially stretched out skin may not contract back. Instead of conforming to a newly flatter abdomen, this loose skin can form a baggy “pooch” or even hang down like an apron.

Patients dealing with these problems can include a tummy tuck in their Mommy Makeover. This surgical procedure also typically includes an element of fat reduction, since “baby weight” that comes may not later go. While the belly is a common place to see excess fat that won’t respond to diet or exercise, other areas may also be targeted for reduction, including the neck, back, bra line, hips, thighs, buttocks, and sometimes the breasts. Although excess fat can be a problem for women with weighty breasts, pregnancy does more than add fat to the chest area. It also stimulates the development of milk glands.

Additional Reading

The increase in volume causes breasts to grow larger—a change that is not a problem on its own, but that can lead to problems once the milk production stops. Some women see their breasts go back to the way they were before the baby, but many have a different experience: Their breasts may stay overly large, shrink down to smaller than their original size, or become noticeably asymmetrical. Dr. John Bull does not treat “the breasts” as a single unit, but assesses each breast to determine what aspect of a Mommy Makeover could be used to make the breasts appear unified, full, symmetrical, and proportional to each other and the rest of your features. Skin on the breasts also stretches like skin on the belly to accommodate the volume increase, so a later reduction in volume—after a baby transitions from nursing to solid food and the breasts no longer need to be producing milk—can leave breasts drooping as a result. Including a lift in the Mommy Makeover removes this redundant skin and elevates the breasts once again. The most common breast surgery Dr. John Bull performs as part of a Mommy Makeover is a breast augmentation with implants combined with a lift. No matter which of the many available procedures you choose, your Mommy Makeover will be done at our surgical center by double-board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. John Bull. As a leading plastic surgeon offering Mommy Makeovers in Naperville, Dr. Bull brings his artistic eye and advanced techniques to every combination of surgeries, providing his patients with beautiful, natural-looking results.

The Right Fit For You

Who Is a Good Candidate for Mommy Makeover in Western Chicago?

Women who are ideal patients for a Mommy Makeover tend be those who are bothered by the size, shape, and/or sagging of their breasts; who have extra weight gain that will not subside, even after consistent exercise and a healthy diet; and who have excess skin on their stomach that will not go away, no matter the effort to get it to retract.

One of the best indicators that you are a good candidate for a Mommy Makeover is that you are finished growing your family. This is because everything a Mommy Makeover accomplishes can be undone by a new baby. A growing belly and breasts will stretch the skin anew, leading to new sagging and other unwanted cosmetic problems. It is also important that you are a non-smoker or plan to quit smoking well in advance of your scheduled Mommy Makeover procedure.

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Before & Afters

Visit our photo gallery to see the results possible with plastic surgery and non-surgical treatments at The John Bull Center in Western Chicago.


“I did my research for a long time, visiting many doctors, and Dr. Bull was by far the most considerate, accommodating, forthcoming, and honest. His track record is outstanding, and he is extremely experienced with a large volume of Mommy Makeover surgeries, which I needed. He was realistic, showed me a lot of women who looked like me, and gave me a straightforward impression of what my outcome would be. I cannot say enough positive things about him. Thank YOU”*

- Veronica, Mommy Makeover Patient

*Individual Results May Vary

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More Prominent And Noticeable

Can Anything Else Be Included in a Mommy Makeover?

Besides the breast and belly, another area of the body that may be impacted by the weight gain and loss associated with pre- and post-baby life is the butt. Patients whose buttocks are flat or sagging can have volume added in the form of their own fat suctioned from a different area of the body. This is known as a Brazilian butt lift.

Childbirth can also cause cosmetic and functional changes to the labia, resulting in vaginal lips that become more prominent and noticeable. A labiaplasty can reduce this tissue, preventing it from being seen when yoga pants or swimsuits are worn, or from chafing during physical exercise or intimate encounters. Pregnancy can also cause veins to become more visible on the legs. Laser vein treatments can collapse these unwanted and unnecessary vessels. While a Mommy Makeover focuses on surgical body contouring, many women who seek this procedure also want to make other changes, whether a facelift, eyelid lift, or other face surgery, or a non-surgical cellulite treatment, laser hair removal, acne scar treatment, vaginal rejuvenation, or something more. Talk to our team about the best time to schedule such a treatment as part of a Mommy Makeover.

What Is the Post-Mommy Makeover Recovery Process?*

The recovery time varies for a Mommy Makeover, with the necessary rest and recuperation determined by the procedures you have done. The different pages on this site highlighting the various surgeries available explain what recovery after those options entails. Our compassionate and professional staff is trained and emotionally supportive to help you handle any reaction to surgery you may experience.

What Mommy Makeover Results Can I Expect?*

The results you will see largely depend on the specific elements you select. Many of our Naperville Mommy Makeover patients see an improvement right away, but the final results take time. Some changes are clearly better after six weeks, but the final results can take about three to six months after the surgery—though you will feel back to normal much sooner than that. Your recovery will be tailored to you, so it’s important to follow your specific recovery plan to see your best results.

Brazilian Butt Lift

Achieve Your Aesthetic Goals

Add Natural Volume for Curvier, Shapelier Buttocks in Naperville, Western Chicago, and Beyond

A Brazilian butt lift, or BBL, at Naperville’s John Bull Center is ideal for Chicago-area women or men who want to add some shape or volume to their buttocks. Dr. Bull is one of the area’s most experienced cosmetic surgeons and has helped countless patients achieve their aesthetic goals for their figure, creating curvier contours that stand out while also complementing the silhouette. He strives to deliver the best brazilian butt lift Naperville has to offer. Whether you want to gain volume where you’ve never really had any, further accentuate your buttocks’ visible curves, or address post-massive weight loss flattening and sagging, surgery to augment the area can help you achieve the more rounded look you want. A Brazilian butt lift involves harvesting and processing a patient’s own fat, then using those cells to increase the fullness and roundness of the buttocks, as well as to better balance the overall figure and boost self-image and self-confidence.

Adding More Volume

What Is a Surgical Butt Lift?

Patients who have lost a massive amount of weight typically find themselves with too much loose skin, so simply adding fat to the area won’t solve the problem of excess and baggy skin. A surgical buttock lift may be the answer for the patients. This procedure involves an incision along the posterior bikini line and allows Dr. Bull to excise and lift the buttocks into a normal position. It can also be combined with a fat transfer or a second procedure later to add more volume.

Getting The Volume You Want

How Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Work?

Brazilian butt lifts employ a body surgery technique known as fat transfer to get volume where it is wanted most. To accomplish this, every Brazilian butt lift procedure involves two steps: liposuction and fat injections.

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This process is used to gather fat cells from a part of your body where there is already significant volume, such as the belly. These living fat cells will be transferred to your buttocks, where they will “re-connect” with the body and serve to create naturally long-lasting curves. Dr. John Bull will make small incisions in the donor area, then use advanced techniques and technology to loosen and suction out the needed excess fat. He will then separate the valuable fat from other materials, leaving behind only the desired cells. Great care must be taken throughout this process to preserve these cells’ integrity so that they safely make the journey from the harvest site to the buttocks.

Fat Injection

The purified fat gathered during the liposuction phase is injected into the buttocks, with Dr. Bull strategically adding volume to the specific areas where it will serve to create naturally round contours. This is not like inflating a balloon, but must be approached with an artistic eye and medical skill derived from a focused education, thorough training, and extensive practical experience performing Brazilian butt lifts for many patients over many years. Anesthesia will be used, and you will be able to discuss the procedure specifics and best options for you during a consultation with Dr. Bull.

Before & Afters

Visit our photo gallery to see the results possible with plastic surgery and non-surgical treatments at The John Bull Center in Western Chicago.


“I have had Dr. Bull as a surgeon for many years—very personable, kind, and takes as much time as needed with you as a patient. I highly recommend.”*

- M K, Patient

*Individual Results May Vary

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The Right Fit For You

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift in Western Chicago?

Whether the Brazilian butt lift is right for you depends on a number of personal factors, including the size and shape of your butt as it is today, the amount of available fat on your body that can be transferred to your buttocks via liposuction, your aesthetic goals, your skin quality and elasticity, and more. In general, our ideal Naperville BBL patients are those who are healthy, can maintain a stable weight, and have realistic expectations for their body.

Realistic Expectations

What Is the Recovery Process Like After a Brazilian Butt Lift?*

You will be asked to not sit or lie on your backside for the first couple of weeks after a Brazilian butt lift. Avoiding putting pressure on the area will allow the fat to settle. You may see swelling and bruising and feel sore in both the donor and injection sites, but these side effects usually dissipate after two weeks.

Brazilian Butt Lift

Frequently Asked Questions

What Brazilian Butt Lift Results Can I Expect?*
What Body Contouring Is Available Beyond a Brazilian Butt Lift?


Feel More Confident

Tighten and Reshape the Upper Arms with an Arm Lift in Naperville, IL

Many people have excess fat combined with loose skin on the upper arms, which creates a wobbly or drooping appearance—referred to as “bat wings” or “bingo wings.” Upper arm lift surgery or brachioplasty at the Naperville-based John Bull Center for Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Medispa is a procedure that slims and contours the arms by reducing the loose skin and fat. We strive to deliver the best brachioplasty Naperville has to offer. The skin on the undersides of the upper arms often becomes looser and sags as we age. This change also tends to happen to women and men who undergo significant weight loss. Even if you are slim overall, having a lack of muscle tone in the arms can cause the skin there to sag more. After a brachioplasty, patients often feel more confident about wearing sleeveless or short-sleeved clothing—or even nothing at all!

Body Contouring Solutions For You

What Does Brachioplasty Address?

Gaining a significant amount of weight causes the skin to become gradually stretched out. Eventually, there may not be enough elasticity for this skin to snap back into place—especially if the fat cells below shrink or are removed. While this can be a problem for people of all ages, time causes the skin to produce fewer structural proteins like collagen and elastin to maintain its strength, so it becomes thinner and looser as you get older. Diet and exercise may not be enough to reduce the excess fat that causes bulges, and lifestyle changes won’t do much (if anything) to tighten laxity that contributes to the look of flabby upper arms. Brachioplasty is a safe, effective way to address this cosmetic problem—but the surgery also provides functional benefits, including relief from general discomfort, inflammation, and rashes or infections that can be caused by excess skin.

Highly Unique Treatment

How Does Brachioplasty Work?

Our Naperville brachioplasty patients will be asked to refrain from smoking and taking blood thinners—or to adjust how they're taking certain other types of medications—before undergoing brachioplasty.

To minimize discomfort during the brachioplasty surgery, patients will be given local anesthesia, general anesthesia, or an intravenous sedative. Liposuction is used to remove fat cells from the underside of the upper arms. The surgeon will then make incisions on the inside or backs of the upper arms to remove the folds of hanging skin. The remaining skin is stretched over the new contours and secured with sutures.

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Achieving Your Desired Results

What Brachioplasty Results Can I Expect?

The slimming results from brachioplasty will be seen right away and are very long-lasting—provided that the patient maintains a stable, healthy weight after the surgery. Gaining a significant amount of new weight can cause remaining fat cells to swell and stretch the skin again.

A Smoother, Slimmer & Toned Appearance

What is the Brachioplasty Recovery Process?

Dr. John Bull uses dissolving sutures under the skin, so no sutures will have to be removed. Most of our Naperville brachioplasty patients do not need a drain, but a tube may be placed beneath the skin to drain any fluid from the wound, and there may be some discomfort as tissues heal. A drain is usually removed within the first five to seven days Pain medication can be prescribed, and your surgeon will provide instructions for how to care for the incisions.

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An Ideal Treatment For You

Who is a Good Candidate for Brachioplasty in Western Chicago?

Both men and women can be ideal candidates for a brachioplasty.

The patients who are best suited for arm lift surgery include adults who are committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, have a positive attitude and realistic expectations, are in good physical and mental shape, are bothered by skin laxity under the arm and on the upper arm, and have a normal body weight but want to get rid of fat or skin on the arms. People who have had successful weight loss surgery often decide to have brachioplasty afterward.

Body Contouring Options

What Other Body Contouring Procedures Are Available?

Mild excess skin may be treated with ThermiTight for the arms, which can be combined with a modest amount of liposuction for contouring. Our practice also provides an extensive selection of cosmetic procedures to enhance the breasts and body—many of which can be combined with brachioplasty. These include liposuction elsewhere on the body to remove excess fat below the skin and re-shape contours, tummy tuck surgery to flatten and sculpt the abdominal area, Mommy Makeover surgery to improve multiple areas and restore the patient’s pre-pregnancy body shape, and more.

Tummy Tuck

The Ideal Approach

Get Flatter Belly Contours with Abdominoplasty for Western Chicago and Naperville

>Many patients seeking a tummy tuck in the Chicago area have benefited from the experience and artistic skill of Naperville’s Dr. John Bull. His work in shaping and slimming the abdominal area for women and men alike has made him a sought-after choice for anyone who wants a firmer and leaner-looking midsection. Because there are many reasons a person’s abdomen may develop a flabby look, Dr. Bull can customize the tummy tuck surgery to focus on a patient’s specific needs. He strives to deliver the best tummy tuck Naperville has to offer. The primary component of a tummy tuck is removing loose skin, which can be a problem for anyone—but especially those who have recently lost weight. Other elements of a tummy tuck can include fat reduction and muscle repair. The first step in any case is scheduling a consultation so Dr. Bull can determine the ideal approach.

A Better Shape

How Does a Tummy Tuck Work?

All tummy tuck surgeries require Dr. John Bull to make some type of incision that will allow him to trim away unneeded skin and re-drape the remaining skin flat, remove excess fat cells, and access the abdominal wall for tightening as necessary. During a complete tummy tuck—which addresses the skin, fat, and muscles—Dr. Bull makes the incision across the lower abdomen in what is commonly referred to as the bikini line.

Using this incision, he can tighten the abdominal muscles with sutures to create a more normal abdominal wall position and a better shape. Next, he removes the excess skin and fat. This skin usually contains most of the stretch marks caused during pregnancy, and many of our Naperville tummy tuck patients are happy to learn that their procedure addresses this unwanted cosmetic issue as well. Dr. Bull then re-positions the remaining skin from the upper abdomen to close the incision. This essentially moves the belly button, which must be “relocated” to an ideal position in proportion with the new shape. For a partial or “mini” tummy tuck, the incision is shorter and the belly button will remain in place. The “mini” tummy tuck primarily focuses on the abdominal area below the belly button

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More Attractive & Sculpted Shape

Slim Down Stubborn Areas That Resist Diet and Exercise with Surgical Fat Removal for Western Chicago and Naperville

Do you have stubborn body fat that won’t respond to your efforts to get rid of it? Want to fit more comfortably in your clothes or look slimmer and trimmer when you’re out of them? Liposuction with Naperville’s double-board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. John Bull can help. Dr. Bull strives to achieve the very best body-sculpting results possible via liposuction for patients in the Chicago area. Liposuction can give both women and men a more attractive and sculpted shape by taking unwanted, stubborn fat away from many areas. He strives to deliver the best liposuction Naperville has to offer. If you spot a bulge or can pinch excess fat between two fingers, there is a good chance that Dr. Bull can remove it with liposuction, whether traditional, ultrasound-powered VASER lipo, or minimally invasive laser-driven SmartLipo.

Ideal Approach

How Does Liposuction Work?

Dr. Bull can perform several variations of liposuction, with the ideal approach depending on a patient’s specific needs. He frequently uses a form of the traditional liposuction technique that has gained wide acceptance in recent years, known as SAFELipo. The first four letters in the procedure’s name stands for “separation,” “aspiration,” and “fat equalization.”

Other options include VASER Liposuction and SmartLipo, each of which offers unique benefits when it comes to the first stage of a surgical fat-reduction procedure, known as “separation.” This stage is necessary because successful liposuction requires a plastic surgeon to first free the fat. Fat cells are not loose blobs floating in the body. They are sturdy cells that must be loosened and broken up prior to removal, whether by manual force or the application of sound or heat energy.

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Mommy Makeover

Feel More Attractive

Combine Procedures to Regain Your Pre-Baby Body for Patients from Naperville, Western Chicago, and Beyond

A Mommy Makeover at Naperville’s John Bull Center is designed with specific patients in mind. While the benefits of children are endless, many mothers often feel uncomfortable with their new bodies post-pregnancy. This does not mean that they regret having a baby. Pregnancy and childbirth are incredible stages in women’s lives. Mothers selflessly devote their time and form deep, loving relationships with their children as they develop. That said, those same mothers don’t always love the lasting changes that pregnancy, childbirth, and nursing can bring to their breasts or body. A Mommy Makeover is not a single surgical procedure, but is a combination of body contouring and breast shaping strategies that are customized to help each individual mother regain her pre-pregnancy figure and feel more attractive and satisfied with her physique, as well as confident in her day-to-day life. At The John Bull Center, we strive to deliver the best Mommy Makeovers Naperville has to offer.

The Right Fit For You

Who Is a Good Candidate for Mommy Makeover in Western Chicago?

Women who are ideal patients for a Mommy Makeover tend be those who are bothered by the size, shape, and/or sagging of their breasts; who have extra weight gain that will not subside, even after consistent exercise and a healthy diet; and who have excess skin on their stomach that will not go away, no matter the effort to get it to retract.

One of the best indicators that you are a good candidate for a Mommy Makeover is that you are finished growing your family. This is because everything a Mommy Makeover accomplishes can be undone by a new baby. A growing belly and breasts will stretch the skin anew, leading to new sagging and other unwanted cosmetic problems. It is also important that you are a non-smoker or plan to quit smoking well in advance of your scheduled Mommy Makeover procedure.

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Brazilian Butt Lift

Achieve Your Aesthetic Goals

Add Natural Volume for Curvier, Shapelier Buttocks in Naperville, Western Chicago, and Beyond

A Brazilian butt lift, or BBL, at Naperville’s John Bull Center is ideal for Chicago-area women or men who want to add some shape or volume to their buttocks. Dr. Bull is one of the area’s most experienced cosmetic surgeons and has helped countless patients achieve their aesthetic goals for their figure, creating curvier contours that stand out while also complementing the silhouette. He strives to deliver the best brazilian butt lift Naperville has to offer. Whether you want to gain volume where you’ve never really had any, further accentuate your buttocks’ visible curves, or address post-massive weight loss flattening and sagging, surgery to augment the area can help you achieve the more rounded look you want. A Brazilian butt lift involves harvesting and processing a patient’s own fat, then using those cells to increase the fullness and roundness of the buttocks, as well as to better balance the overall figure and boost self-image and self-confidence.

Getting The Volume You Want

How Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Work?

Brazilian butt lifts employ a body surgery technique known as fat transfer to get volume where it is wanted most. To accomplish this, every Brazilian butt lift procedure involves two steps: liposuction and fat injections.

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Feel More Confident

Tighten and Reshape the Upper Arms with an Arm Lift in Naperville, IL

Many people have excess fat combined with loose skin on the upper arms, which creates a wobbly or drooping appearance—referred to as “bat wings” or “bingo wings.” Upper arm lift surgery or brachioplasty at the Naperville-based John Bull Center for Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Medispa is a procedure that slims and contours the arms by reducing the loose skin and fat. We strive to deliver the best brachioplasty Naperville has to offer. The skin on the undersides of the upper arms often becomes looser and sags as we age. This change also tends to happen to women and men who undergo significant weight loss. Even if you are slim overall, having a lack of muscle tone in the arms can cause the skin there to sag more. After a brachioplasty, patients often feel more confident about wearing sleeveless or short-sleeved clothing—or even nothing at all!

Highly Unique Treatment

How Does Brachioplasty Work?

Our Naperville brachioplasty patients will be asked to refrain from smoking and taking blood thinners—or to adjust how they're taking certain other types of medications—before undergoing brachioplasty.

To minimize discomfort during the brachioplasty surgery, patients will be given local anesthesia, general anesthesia, or an intravenous sedative. Liposuction is used to remove fat cells from the underside of the upper arms. The surgeon will then make incisions on the inside or backs of the upper arms to remove the folds of hanging skin. The remaining skin is stretched over the new contours and secured with sutures.

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Meet Dr. John Bull, Jr. MD, FACS

Board-certified and highly accomplished plastic surgeon Dr. John Bull is not just committed to providing beautiful cosmetic surgery results in a safe and comforting environment. He also wants every patient to feel heard, understood, and confident in their choice.

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To schedule your consultation and learn more about anything you see here, reach our Naperville office by contacting us online or calling The John Bull Center for Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Medispa at  (630) 299-3018.