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Which Procedures are Included in a Mommy Makeover?

Are you interested in undergoing a Mommy Makeover, but not exactly sure which procedures are included?

For those who don’t know, the Mommy Makeover is a surgical treatment that combines a range of popular treatments to help get new moms their pre-baby bodies back. From tummy pooches to deflated breasts, the Mommy Makeover addresses some of the biggest concerns new mothers have, all within the span of a single surgical procedure.

So which procedures are included in a Mommy Makeover? Let’s take a look!

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1. Liposuction.

Liposuction is a common procedure for new mothers, especially as they try to lose weight after having kids. Liposuction can help get rid of stubborn fat that clings to the abdomen, upper arms, underchin area, and other common places. If you follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen and still can’t lose stubborn fat, you may want to add liposuction to your Mommy Makeover.

2. Breast Lift and/or Breast Augmentation.

Have you noticed that your breasts have lost volume after breastfeeding? The breast lift can help correct sagging and volume loss by removing excess skin and repositioning the nipple for a more youthful and perkier appearance.

If you’re more concerned with volume loss, you may be a good candidate for a breast augmentation. This surgical procedure uses silicone or saline implants to add volume to the breasts, thus helping patients feel more confident and sexier in their own skin.

3. Breast Reduction.

Do you have larger breasts that are making it difficult to sleep or exercise? Do you often have neck, back, and shoulder pain due to your bra straps digging into your shoulders? If so, a breast reduction procedure could help you feel more confident in your body, as it’s designed to reduce the size of overly large breasts.

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4. Tummy Tuck.

A tummy tuck – also known as abdominoplasty – is a surgical procedure that repairs abdominal walls that have been damaged after pregnancy. Once these abdominal walls have been repaired, patients are able to achieve a contoured, flattened stomach. The tummy tuck can be combined with liposuction for even better results.

These procedures can all be combined, or you can opt to choose one or two surgical procedures. Either way, the Mommy Makeover will help you get your best post-baby body ever!

Take the Next Step – Request a Consultation

To schedule your consultation with Dr. John Bull, please fill out the form on this page or call The John Bull Center for Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Medispa in Naperville, IL, at (630) 339-4555.

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1307 Macom Drive, Naperville, IL 60564