If you have cellulite on your body, then it might be time to consider Cellulaze. A laser treatment, it can help you achieve long-term cellulite reduction, and it doesn’t require lengthy downtime.
Unlike some of the other treatment options available, Cellulaze targets the structure of cellulite, which is located under your skin. With a single treatment, you can obtain long-lasting results.
How Does Cellulaze Work?
Tiny incisions are required for the procedure, and once they have been made, a special laser is inserted and used to disrupt local deposits of fat cells. To ensure patient comfort, a local anesthetic is used to numb the area beforehand.
The 1440nm laser that is used for this procedure is the same one used for Smart Lipo. The purpose of the laser is to heat up and liquefy areas of fat. It’s also used to affect fiber groups. When the main part of the procedure is finished, the laser is used to heat up your skin and stimulate the production of new collagen, which improves skin elasticity and firmness.
What are the Benefits?
If you’re considering this treatment option, you should understand the benefits. Since Cellulaze targets the root cause of cellulite, it delivers significant results.
When compared with creams and pills, Cellulaze is viewed as a superior treatment option, and it can usually provide noticeable results with a single treatment. After the initial treatment, you’ll notice gradual improvements in your skin texture.
The boost in collagen production will continue improving the appearance of your skin for several months. Cellulaze doesn’t pose many of the risks associated with other, more invasive treatments.
The thighs are the major treatment area that can be treated with Cellulaze. If you have bulges of fat and connective tissues in this area, then there is a good chance that you can benefit from this procedure.
What You Need to Know
If you’re like millions of other women, then you’re tired of looking at the cellulite on your thighs. This is the area of the body that is most likely to develop cellulite, and the cellulite in this area is almost impossible to get rid of without professional help.
With plenty of dieting and exercise, you can eliminate some of the cellulite, but it’s unlikely that these tools will get rid of all of it. Cellulaze can be effective for reducing the appearance of cellulite and prevents your skin from looking like cottage cheese.
During the procedure, a laser is aimed at damaged fibrous bands, and it’s these bands that cause the appearance of cellulite. By removing the hold that the bands have on your epidermis, Cellulaze is able to neutralize the bumps in your skin and restore a smooth, flat appearance.
Learn More During a Consultation
When it comes to cellulite reduction, most patients swear by Cellulaze because it produces real results. The initial results are great, and for months after the treatment, you’ll continue to see improvements in the appearance of your skin. We encourage you to visit The John Bull Center for Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Medispa to see if this treatment is right for you. Our office is located in Naperville. Contact us today to schedule a consultation
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1307 Macom Drive, Naperville, IL 60564